club championship
The Club Championship works by awarding points to members for competing in or volunteering at any motorsport event - whether organised by Southern Car Club or not. It is a way of celebrating the efforts of club members over the year across the world of motorsport at our Annual Awards Evening.
The Championship year runs from 1 December to 30 November, and the following awards are made annually:
Lady Driver and Gentleman Driver of the Year: for those competing in more than one discipline
Marshals Trophy
Service Crew of the Year
Road Rally Driver and Stage Rally Driver of the Year
Navigator of the Year - covering both Road and Stage Rallying
Speed Driver of the Year (sprinting) and Race Driver of the Year (circuits)
Autotest/Autosolo Driver of the Year
Trials Driver of the Year
See last year's results here.

If you've competed, serviced on or marshalled at any event, you can claim your points via these buttons →
The live Championship tables are below. Any queries can be directed to the Championship Secretary.
Good luck!